Ownership in a business. Understand the business in order to value its stock.
Prepared for different opportunities. Pounce hard when they arrive.
All intelligent investing is value investing. Acquiring more than we are paying for.
Lengthening the time horizon gives a structural
The confidence to go against the market when the facts support it.
7 to 15 positions. We know our companies very,
very well.
Risk is the probability of permanent loss of capital. Volatility is not risk.
Know the difference between quality of decision and quality of outcome.
Desert Lion Capital is managed by Rudi van Niekerk who is a South African citizen.
Rudi’s core competence revolves around South African listed equities. He has been managing outside capital since 2013. His background includes private equity, operational and managerial roles in grain trading, and part-time lecturing to honors students.
Desert Lion Capital was seeded by Greenhaven Road Partners Fund and renowned investor Charles M. Royce.
South Africa has historically been one of the best performing equity markets globally since 1900. The previous political regime and negative sentiment towards emerging markets contributed to a selloff in the South African equity market since around 2014. South African financial markets are highly developed and sophisticated. Yet the equity market is unfrequented and has pricing inefficiency embedded within. The South African market presents the opportunity to invest in good quality assets at cyclically depressed valuations, presenting superior returns through growth and multiple expansion. Desert Lion Capital’s local experience and presence will give you privileged access to these opportunities.